Page 4 - Jan Peter van Opheusen Exhibition Bali 2014
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Salam Budaya I first became acquainted with Dutch Jan Peter at times works with gold leaf
artist Jan Peter van Opheusden (b. 1941 Eind- building texture while allowing the
hoven, the Netherlands) through his books unique aesthetics to add to the dynamics
For the Agung Rai Museum of Art being entrusted as an exhibition venue of esteem on that beautifully depict his creative gifts.
the island of Bali is a great honor. We feel particularly fortunate this year to be able His character was then affectionately lines sparingly with color in gesture
to showcase a selection of artworks by Mr. Jan Peter van Opheusden, allowing us to brought to life via the words from a kind Mysterious, even primitive elements may
share in his consistent creativity, vitality and artistic ideals that have earned him a -
great deal of popularity. Until recently, however, Jan Peter the ences he uses his works can manifest
person remained an enigma - a figment of purely as color in poetic motion.
my imagination.
We trust that the exhibition at the ARMA Museum will be full of astonishing phenom-
ena, attracting not only a lot of visitors as tourists, but also members of the domestic From my initial appraisals of his raw, yet is us the observer and the power of imagi-
and international art communities. honest paintings I could sense Jan Peter is nation that makes the painting.
a conduit of creativity, pure and uninhib-
It was during a recent presentation of Jan Peters artworks in Maastricht, Holland, Best not to try, as it can be difficult, even
when by coincidence we met with the Indonesian Ambassador to Holland, Ibu Retno. We inhabit an extraordinarily rich visual futile to match words to depth and
Ibu Retno expressed great interest in wishing to expose these highly attractive plane that tantalizes and beguiles the eye. thrust of emotional responses we may
experience when interacting with his
Abundant in textures, color and form. Yet
artworks to Indonesia, and how that could be made possible. this abundance often encourages decep- -
gence to communicate the innate essence
The artist was not hesitant at all to exhibit his works overseas, and this is a blessing Feelings and emotions on the other hand we have no need for intellectual compre-
can reveal another story, another inter-
A gung R ai indeed! ARMA would like to thank Ibu Retno for her support in helping to bring this R ichard H orstman pretation of reality.
exhibition to life at ARMA Museum, Bali Indonesia. Jan Peter does not categorize himself other
Founder of ARMA Ubud Bali 2014 than as a creative being, a lover of color
We also want to thank the Erasmus Huis for their generous contribution, making it harmonious nature of our existence that
possible to bring the work of Jan Peter van Opheusden to Indonesia. we attract events and people to us, for refuses to consume time explaining his
paintings, I make paintings, he says
without care, or a sense of responsibility
Through this exhibition we at ARMA believe we will create, not only a strong partner- Some time after I wrote these words I had to have to add more. If questioned how
ship between the Museum and the artist himself, yet also with the Indonesian public. We my first opportunity to experience Jan long it takes to complete a work, A life-
time, is his answer, equally as short, as
Peters paintings at the Agung Rai Museum
endeavor to provide a rich source of modern aesthetic inspiration, encouraging well as profound. I dont need inspiration,
greater understanding of the contemporary art world, with its myriads of symbols a revelation. Soon after I had my first I need perspiration, he states when
and associated meanings. And by doing so consolidating the role ARMA plays in the meeting with the man.
promotion and appreciation for the fine arts, along with its future development. is a wise and gentle soul, unassuming, with
During his long career as an artist Jan a twinkle in his eye.
Peter has explored the artistic genres of
We wish to express our appreciation for those who have assisted in making this exhibi- the figurative, erotic, mythological, Emotion pours from Jan Peters paintings,
tion possible. It is our sincere hope that the event will prove to be beneficial to all Asian, Balinese culture, European art and they reveal something greater than what
sculpture. Via his art he ventures deep
parties involved. And of course we would like to express our special thanks to Mr. Jan into the core of love, life and nature
Peter van Opheusden. Congratulations! seeking its eternal perceptions. Music and volumes we cannot hear, yet it summons us
theater are also themes he engages, to confirm the truth we can only feel.
comedy and festivals, - humor is a power-
The universe is an infinite and mystical
playground for the imagination. The gift
His works are rich in information, power- of a free and open mind allows for the
fully suggestive and abound with modern magical, beautiful and the fantastic.
art references. They are a celebration of
life serving to feed our imagination.