
Title: Love You
Writers: Jef van Kuyk,
Lambert Monet,
Ineke van Opheusden,
Aegid Tonnaer
ISBN: 978-7-80588-667-1
Year: 2008
Language: English
Available: Yes

For the big book 112 pages,
116 images in full color

Size 300mm x 300mm

For the small book 29 illustrations in full color.

20 pages 200mm x 200mm

The books are packaged together in a beautiful cassette.

Title: Painter on the roof
Writers: Martin Gray,
Michel Jacquet,
Dr. Jef J. van Kuyk,
Klaus Scheidsteger
Year: 1998
Language: French and Dutch
Available: Yes
Title: Paintings, drawings and sculptures
Composition: Jan Peter from Opheusden
Year: 1985-1995
Language: French and Dutch